2015 – 2017
Gospel Light Baptist School
P.O. Box 6598 Kampala, Uganda
pastorsglbc@yahoo.com 0772537649
Administrative structure………………………………………………………………………..……… 4
Admissions policy and procedures………………………….……………………………………… 5
Advisory board……………………………………………………………………………..……………….. 4
Conduct and discipline…………………………………………………………………..……………… 6
Dress code………………………………………………………………………………………….………… 6
Finance committee for school payments……………………………………………..………… 4
Financial policy…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Parental Agreement………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 & 8
Parents are important in the education process……………………………………….……. 8
Philosophy……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
School forms ………………………………………………………………………………………….……. 7
School hours………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
School management committee……………………………………………………………………. 4
Statement of purpose…………………………………………………………………………………….3
Welcome to Gospel Light Baptist School…………………………………………………………3
Parental Agreement:
***By having your student attend Gospel Light Baptist School you have by your students attendance agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of this handbook. Even if a parent or guardian does not sign a paper or document, we will still enforce our policies as listed herein as well as in accordance with other school documents, procedures, etc. At times policies or procedures may need to be changed, updated, or added and in such cases the school will notify the parents or guardians of every student as soon as possible.***
This handbook has been Approved by the Gospel Light Baptist School Management Committee &
The Gospel Light Independent Baptist Church Leadership Board.
Welcome to Gospel Light Baptist School
It is a blessing having you here at our school. We look forward to teaching your child here at Gospel Light Baptist School. In this handbook you will find the information needed to help your child to succeed at school. Please read through this entire handbook and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the school office. You can either come by in person or call us at 0772 537649. You can also email us any questions that you might have at pastorsglbc@yahoo.com
Statement of Purpose
Our purpose is to assist parents in the education of their children by reinforcing the moral and spiritual training that is started in the home. Our Christian School will work together with you to train your child in accordance with God’s Word.
It is our desire to train the whole student: spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially. Because God requires a vessel unto honor, guidelines for personal habits and dress codes are provided. The principle of self-discipline is the basis of our disciplinary structure. We believe the student must honor the rights of others and respect the individual’s freedom. Not only must a young person have his appearance and actions reflect the Lord God, but he must also have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to serve God in the plan He has for his life. “We must teach students not only how to make a living, but also how to live.” Therefore, the Bible is taught so that the student will develop sound values that will govern every step of their life. Gospel Light Baptist School desires to send out into the world young people who will be good citizens and who will be of a benefit to our country.
Gospel Light Baptist School seeks to accomplish its mission by striving to achieve the following five learning outcomes:
1. Enabling students to develop Biblical character.
2. Educating students with a Bible-centered, content-rich, and academically-sound curriculum.
3. Equipping students for a lifetime of Bible based leadership.
4. Encouraging students to reach their full potential: spiritually, academically, socially, and
5. Elevating students’ love for God and country.
Our Philosophy
Our school is under the authority of Gospel Light Independent Baptist Church and we desire to help families train their children. We believe that God has established the family, and the parents are the main ones to train their children, with the church serving as a second platform of spiritual training and leadership development for the family. The Christian school provides a third source of godly influence. This arrangement is truly successful if the direction being set by all three is in agreement.
We have four areas of emphasis:
– The first and strongest emphasis is the spiritual growth of the child and family
– The second emphasis is on academics. We provide a superior academic climate and promote
academic excellence to best prepare students to succeed in life and to fulfill God’s will for their
– The third and fourth areas of emphasis are proper social and physical development. Our physical
education and athletic programs will continually expand to meet the needs of our students.
- To supplement the home and local church in education.
- To prepare each student for spiritual leadership in the home, church, school, community, nation,
and world. - To meet the academic needs of the children and encourage them to think clearly, logically, and
independently. - To prepare each student to function in life’s activities and to pursue further academic or skills
training. - To help and encourage each student to develop an understanding of God’s Word.
Administrative Structure
Director: Pastor James Pridgen
Assistant Director: Pastor Paul Hudson
Administrative Assistant: Mr. John Boscoe
Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs. Dinnah Banyenzaki
Nursery School Head Teacher: Mrs. Monica Namwaala
Office: Mr. Edward Kalanzi
School Management Committee
Chairman: Pastor James Pridgen Pastor – Gospel Light Baptist Church
Assistant Chairman: Pastor Paul Hudson Asst. Pastor-Gospel Light Baptist Church
Administrative Assistant: Mr. John Boscoe East Africa Baptist College
Secretary: Mr. Edward Kalanzi Office Manager
Teachers Representative: Mrs. Dinnah Banyenzaki Head Teacher GLBS – Primary School
Teachers Representative: Mrs. Monica Namwaala Head Teacher GLBS – Nursery School
Parents Representative: Pastor Amos Kwikiriza Graduate East Africa Baptist College Entrepreneur Businessman
Member: Pastor Charles Senkubuge Graduate of Makerere University Radio Presenter, WBS TV, Arts Performer, Former Presidential Candidate
finance committee for school payments
All arrangements and questions concerning payments will be handled by the Finance Committee. Please direct all financial questions to the school office. All official responses concerning school payments are to come only from Mr. John Boscoe.
Finance Committee Members:
Chairman: Mr. John Boscoe Administrative Assistant
Assistant Chairman: Pastor Amos Kwikiriza Parents Representative
Members: Mrs. Dinnah Banyenzaki; Mrs. Monica Namwaala; Mr. Edward Kalanzi
Advisory Board
The advisory board is comprised of volunteer members who may meet one time a year to inspect the school and review our paper work, policies, and procedures. They may then make any necessary recommendations to the School Management Committee. These recommendations will be given by the Advisory Board Chairman in a School Management Committee meeting. The School Management Committee will review the recommendations and upon the approval of the Committee the recommendations can be voted upon individually or as a whole. All decisions of the School Management Committee are also subject to approval by the Gospel Light Independent Baptist Church Leadership Board.
Advisory Board Members are also welcome throughout the year to inspect the school and to offer advice to the School Management Committee and or to our Head Teachers or School Teachers.
Chairman: Pastor Amos Kwikiriza
Assist. Chairman: Mr. John Boscoe
Members: Councillor Patrick Makanga Ssendiisa, Graduate of Makerere University
Councillor Kagolora; Graduate of Makerere University
Pastor Pittman-Masters Degree in education;
Pastor Applegate-Masters degree in education;
Mrs. Pridgen – Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist College
It is our desire to help you in developing your child both spiritually and academically. In order to produce an environment that will help us in training your child we have found that it is necessary to have a standard of conduct based on Biblical commands. All of our activities must be for the glory of God who indwells us (1 Corinthians 8:9, 12-13; 10:32). We should try to avoid practices which decrease our sensitivity to the spiritual needs of the world and endanger our physical, mental, or spiritual well-being (1 Corinthians 9:27).
Since it is our desire to instill an appreciation for this type of godly living in the heart and life, we have found it necessary to have regulations concerning the admission of students and the daily operations of our school. We recognize that not every family interested in having their children in Gospel Light Baptist School will agree with each of our preferences or convictions; however, it is important to realize that conformity to school policy is expected; therefore, it is necessary that harmony exist between the school and the home with regard to each of the procedures and regulations by which we operate our school.
Steps for Admission for new students:
- Obtain a registration form, permission form, and a medical form from the school office
- Fill out the forms in their entirety. (Failure to fill out a form will be treated according to page 7)
- Turn in all three forms to the school office with the registration payment (10,000/=). This payment is non-refundable.
- Turn in one passport size color photo to the school office.
- Bring all requirements on the first day of school to the school office.
- Purchase school uniforms from the school office.
- Bring the pink bank copy of your school payment slip to the school office.
Steps for returning students:
- If you need a new school uniform then purchase it from the school office.
- Bring all requirements on the first day of school to the school office.
- Bring the pink bank copy of your school payment slip to the school office.
Gospel Light Baptist School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded and made available to students at the school. Gospel Light Baptist School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, discipline procedures, admissions policies, athletics, and other school-administered programs. Gospel Light Baptist School insists upon a high standard of performance from its students. Each student will be expected to produce to the best of his or her ability.
“Attendance at Gospel Light Baptist School is a privilege not a right.”
All payments are to be made at the bank. Please be sure to check your receipt before leaving the bank and bring a copy to the school office. There is a bank fee of 2,200/= (subject to change according to current prices.) Payments are final no refunds.
(At times prices may have to be changed. New price list will be available in the school office).
Registration – new students only: ………………. Must be paid at the beginning of the school year.
Administration Fee every term: ………………….. Must be paid at the beginning of each term.
Tuition: ………………………………………………………. per term.
Exam Fees: ………………………………………………… per term Please check in the
Snack Time: ……………………………………………… Mandatory for all students. School Office for
Lunch: ………………………………………………………. Students in P1 and above. Current Prices.
Medical: ……………………………………………………. per term
School Uniforms:…………………. Prices are in the school office – payment made at the office.
Requirements:……………………… List can be obtained in the school office.
School Transportation: ………….. Prices are available in the school office.
Nursery Students – Monday – Friday 8:00a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Primary Students – Monday – Friday 8:00a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
At times there will be special functions on Saturday or Sunday.
If a student comes late they must first report to the school office. Late students may be required to do additional work and if continually late then the parents will be asked to meet with the student’s teacher.
In extreme cases (continually late) the student may be dismissed from a class or from the school.
Dress Code (All Students)
Gospel Light Baptist School desires that its students dress and conduct themselves in a manner that is pleasing to God. Thus, a student’s clothes and physical appearance are very important since they tend to reflect the inner thoughts of the heart. We have chosen school uniforms for our students that promote modesty as well as neatness. (P.E. – Physical Education)
All Students must wear the school uniform. School uniforms and P.E. uniforms must be purchased from the school office. New students must buy a full set of uniforms. School uniforms are required to be worn on non P.E. days. On P.E. day students are to wear the P.E. uniform.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday are regular uniform days. P.E. days are on Wednesday and Friday.
Uniform and Appearance guidelines for all students:
- Clean, in good repair, and well-dressed. Not torn, no missing buttons, or broken zippers.
- Students may only unbutton the top button on the shirt/ blouse. Undershirts must be solid white and may not have any writing or lettering. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
- Belts are also to be worn with the uniform – when belt loops are on the uniform.
- Students should wear black or dark blue socks and black closed flat shoes. No heels.
- Hair fashions must be conservative. Boys’ hair is to be off the collar and off the ears. No extreme hairstyles. No lines in the hair or Mohawks. We encourage girls to have long hair
- Students are to maintain their natural hair color and not dye or highlight their hair.
- Students are not allowed to wear necklaces, charms, rosaries, or anything around the neck.
- Girls are not allowed to wear any jewelry except for one pair of earrings (one earing in each ear lobe).
- Boys are not allowed to wear any earrings, jewelry, etc.
- Students are never allowed to wear shorts.
- Skirt length for girls is to the bottom of the knee or longer.
- Boy’s trousers should be to the ankle.
- If students are out of uniform they will be sent to the office and the parents will be asked to bring them their school uniform or P.E. uniform or to take them home for the day.
- If students are wearing unapproved jewelry then it will be removed by the student or by a school official and turned in to the school office and a parent/guardian will have to pick it up from the office. We are not responsible for any damages or losses. If a student refuses to remove unapproved jewelry they will be sent to the office and parents will be contacted.
- Gospel Light Baptist School reserves the right to determine what is appropriate.
Conduct and Discipline
We believe that consistent loving discipline is essential in contributing to a good program. The basic responsibility for discipline resides in the home; therefore, parents will be informed when unusual circumstances arise. It is almost impossible to be of any real help to your child unless you are in active support of what we are attempting to do.
Sometimes a child will persistently have a behavioral problem such as, hitting, biting, or some other form of disobedience. We usually handle these situations by talking with the child, separating him from the rest of the group, or taking away a privilege and making him apologize for his actions. For problems that continue, the parent is asked to come to school for a conference and discuss the child’s behavior. The school reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student whose parents are not willing to follow the well-established disciplinary procedures of the school. Rules and Disciplinary procedures are listed in each classroom.
Holidays: Parents will be notified in advance by the school office of all school holidays.
SCHOOL FORMS – All of the following forms are available in the school office.
MEDICAL FORM: It is our desire to provide a safe teaching environment for your student. We work hard to ensure that classrooms and play areas are safe so that no student will be hurt. However, at times as students are playing or even just walking they may fall and injure themselves. This has happened a few times already and it is difficult for parents to pay for unexpected medical expenses.
So to better care for our students and to be a help to their parents we have a limited medical payment plan for accidents that happen to our students on the school property during school hours. The liability for the school for each student per semester is up to 150,000/= for the initial doctors visit. The full details for this are provided on the medical treatment form.
The cost for medical is 5,000/= only (check the office for current cost) and this money will be used to help pay for treatment for students that have been injured, it will also be used to help stock our first aid box at the school, and to help provide a safe environment for students.
This medical plan will not be provided until you have made the payment. If a parent or guardian has not made payment then we will still take their student to the hospital or clinic for any necessary treatment. However, the parent or guardian will then have to pay the school 10,000/= for transport and they will also be responsible to pay the full medical bill for their student.
This is not an insurance policy. If there are multiple injuries during a semester then the school will only pay up to the amount of money they have received for medical during that semester. We will treat students on a first come first serve basis. If we are not able to help pay for a student’s initial medical bill then we will reimburse the parents during a following semester as the money for medical comes into the school and as long as their child is still a student of Gospel Light Baptist School.
If a student is injured during an official school outing then either vehicle insurance or the property insurance of the place we are at will be responsible to pay for medical. We will not use any medical money for students injured during an official school outing unless there is no insurance coverage available. Then the medical plan will apply as normal.
***If a parent fails to turn in a medical form then we will treat their child according to the conditions as listed above. Due to the parents/guardians not filling out a form it will be taken to mean that the student has no allergies or other medical conditions.***
PERMISSION FORMS: It is our desire to protect our students as much as possible so we have two permission forms that parents can choose from for their student.
Permission Form A: This form is for parents who give permission for their student to leave school on their own after school hours. If your student has to leave school early for any reason then the school office will inform you on one of the numbers that you have provided before we allow the student to leave early. On this form there is also a place for you to sign allowing us to take your student on day school trips. We will also send a note home with students informing you of upcoming trips.
Permission Form B: This form is for parents who do not want their student to leave school on their own. Your student’s safety is our top priority and we want to work with you to do all that we can to protect your student. However, parents and guardians must work with us and you must come to pick up your student on time. Nursery students must be picked up no later than 1:00pm. Primary students must be picked up no later than 3:15pm.
If you do not pick up your student on time then that means that we are still responsible to have someone to watch your student. We cannot allow students to remain on our property unsupervised. So if you do not come to pick up your student on time they will be put in day care so that they can be properly cared for. The details for day care are on the permission form.
On this form there is also a place for you to sign allowing us to take your student on day school trips. We will also send a note home with students informing you of upcoming trips.
***Permission forms must be signed to be valid. If you do not sign a permission form then we will send your student home in accordance with permission form A. If you want a student to wait for you at the school then you must sign permission form B.***
TRANSPORTATION FORM: If you pay for the school to pick up or drop off your students then you must fill out this form giving us permission to do so. If you do not want us to drop off your student alone at the drop off point then you must also fill out permission for B. All other details are listed on this form.
Parents Are Important in the Education Process!
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Ephesians 4:6 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Parents / Guardians
- Talk with your child often about the importance of learning, and encourage them daily.
- Help your child create a good place at home for daily study.
- Be sure your child has all their necessary supplies for school.
- Set your alarm so that your child gets to school at least ten minutes before class starts.
- Help your child stay on track by checking assignments, and by communicating with the teachers.
- Have a daily devotion time—pray and read your Bible
- Love to learn, and develop an attitude of excellence in all that you do.
- Know and follow your school handbook with a gracious spirit.
- Respect and honor your parents, pastor, and teachers—they are there to help you.
- Sharpen your reading, writing, and math skills during school break times.
Please remember this: developing character in a young person’s life does not happen by accident—it is not developed in one day – it must be taught and modeled on purpose! The goal of character development is to see young people making the right decisions, doing the right things, in the right ways, with a right heart attitude, especially when no one is looking! Parents can help mold godly character in their children.
I also wish to personally invite you to visit us at Gospel Light Baptist Church. It is a wonderful way to get to meet the Director (Pastor), as well as other administration officials, and your child’s teacher.
In Conclusion: Thank you for allowing us to take part in your child’s education. We look forward to working together with you.
May God Bless You,
Pastor James Pridgen
Gospel Light Baptist School, Director
o772 537649
Parental Agreement:
***By having your student attend Gospel Light Baptist School you have by your students attendance agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of this handbook. Even if a parent or guardian does not sign a paper or document, we will still enforce our policies as listed herein as well as in accordance with other school documents, procedures, etc. At times policies or procedures may need to be changed, updated, or added and in such cases the school will notify the parents or guardians of every student as soon as possible.***
***The Romans Road to Heaven: Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8-9; Romans 10:9-10;
Romans 10:13. For questions concerning these verses please come and meet with us.***